Friday, December 18, 2009

Ask and you shall receive

Being a guy, I was obviously going to write something about sports, more precisely, football.

So since today was the day of the Champions League last 16 draw, I thought I might comment on a tiny observation I've been making in recent years.

Barely a couple of days ago, if not less, a certain David Beckham retorted his wish to face Manchester United in the Last 16 of the prestigious competition. Then suddenly its noon on Friday 18th December (barely four and a half hours ago) and AC Milan (the team Beckham will be joining on loan in January, though I'm sure everyone already knew that) are drawn up against United (incidentally the team I've supported since before I could walk, talk, and do other trivial things.

Anyone who has been paying attention in recent years will have spotted a pattern. This time last year Jose Mourinho expressed his desire to face Fergie's English, European and (at that time, soon to be...) World Champions. UEFA heeded Jose's request, and amazingly Inter were drawn against United. Mind you the pattern works both ways. In the 2004/05 season Fergie himself announced that he would like to face AC Milan in the knockout stages, and we went on to get knocked out, losing 1-0 in both legs, both Hernan Crespo goals, both headers...bastard.

Argentine twats aside, I couldn't help but notice this persistent pattern of someone from a particular club, be it the manager, or a player, announces the wish to face a different club, and miraculously gets his wish when the supposedly random draws are announced.

Don't get me wrong, the draw is enticing to say the least, but this is probably the reason why things like this happen.

All of last season the one thing me and my friends would always agree upon was this quote:

"Can you imagine the final being Barca vs. United!?"

Sure the final ended up being as enjoyable to watch as a persistent kick to the balls by a dude wearing steel-toed shoes... but that's probably coz I'm a United fan. I mean come on we folded like Phil Ivey on an off day (Texas Hold'em reference here, Phil Ivey is one of the best poker players around)!! Still the game overall was dull to say the least.

I can just imagine Michel Platini going around asking people "So, what do you sink ze most int-heresting match in ze Shampions League could be monsignor?"

Anyway, looking at the other draws, there are a few cracking games in store for February/March 2010. As a neutral, Bayern Munich vs. Fiorentina and Lyon vs. Real Madrid promise to be epic... hopefully. Not to mention Inter vs. Chelsea, with Mourinho returning to Stamford Bridge to face the team he lifted into the upper tier of Europe's elite. Let's face it, everyone wanted to see Mourinho take a team to London, and hopefully have his ass unceremoniously handed to him by Ancellotti's rejuvenated Chelsea team! And presto! We all got our wish, how shocking!

Anyway here's to hoping United finally eliminate Milan from Europe on the fourth (i think) time of asking, and to getting 8 fully entertaining matches.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to whoever wasted a portion of their lives to read this!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Waddayaknow, I've got something to say after all!!

And it's quite a good one mind you.

Check this out for more info:

More of a close call in the end, but with further investigation one can see that someone is actually to blame. I hear a poodle barking...

If whoever is reading this doesn't know what i mean, talk to your parents/elder relatives.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Should’ve been working...started a blog!

Guess the title says it all.


Being a university student I am obviously knee deep in studying, reading, assignmenting, tutorialing etc.

And since I chose an incredibly thrilling area of expertise in Banking and Finance/Economics (haven't decided which I'll major in tbh) I constantly find myself bored out of my friggin mind.

Not that reading about Britain and France demanding a tax on bankers' bonuses isn't interesting, coz it is...really! I'd be the world's biggest idiot if I chose to undertake a sector I don't honestly find interesting!!

But coz slacking off is just so much more satisfying, at least in the Short Run (yep, that's my economics state of mind rearing its ugly head).

Of course, like most of my other deeds, I didn't really think this decision through, and am currently improvising every word I write, including what I just said (and the last part) [and the part in the previous bracket... you get where this is going]


I naturally didn't think of a topic to write about, so consider this opening post an intro. That is if anyone is reading this, coz if there is, dear reader, why the f**k are you wasting your time reading some idiot's blog!! Go do something productive!

(I realize what I just said applies to myself, I'm bored not daft...)

I'll probably just end up writing about the recession, the credit crunch, the mountain of horse manure Dubai World seems to have gotten itself into, you know... the usual. Or how about the ever delightful topic of politics in Malta (for anyone reading this who happens to be a foreigner i.e. approximately zero, I'm Maltese {and damn proud btw}; if you've never heard of Malta, look it up, and visit if you've got the cash, spend most of your income here so that our GDP will increase... and so on).


So anyway, feel free to criticise... God knows I'll end up ignoring/deleting your comments anyway.

Happy reading, if you're THAT bored.


Ps. If anyone who knows me is reading this, just so you know, YES, I'm bored enough to start a blog!